martedì 15 ottobre 2013

How-to Install Eclipse for C/C++ Development on Kali/BackTrack 5 R3 i386/Amd64 Visual-Guide

How-to Install Eclipse for C Developers Kali/Backtrack

The Tutorial Show How-to Install and Getting-Started with the Latest Eclipse 4.3 Kepler for C/C++ 32/64bit for Linux BackTrack/Kali 5 R3 i386/Amd64 KDE4 Desktop.

There is also the Possibility to Install before the Classic Eclipse via apt-get and after Adding the C/C++ Developer Tool Capabilities via Eclipse Updates.

But the BackTrack Debian-Squeeze apt-get Repository is Still presenting the Old Eclipse 3 Flavor with a 3.5 Galileo.

Hence here to Get Into New Eclipse4 we Proceed Directly to Download and Installation of the Whole Eclipse for C Linux Release.

The Content and Details of How-to nstall Eclipse for C Developers Kali Guide are Expressly Reduced to Give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands and Make Tut more Easy & Digestive ;)

Install Eclipse for C Developers Kali - Featured
  1. Download Eclipse IDE Kepler C/C++:

    Eclipse Kepler C/C++ Linux 32/64bit
  2. Double-Click on Archive and Extract Eclipse into /tpmInstall Eclipse for C Developers Kali - Extraction
  3. Open a Terminal Window
    Install Eclipse for C Developers Kali - Kde4 Open Terminal
  4. Relocate Eclipse
    mv /tpm/eclipse /opt
  5. Create a Symlink
    ln -s /opt/eclipse/eclipse /usr/bin/eclipse

    After you can Start Eclipse for C from Terminal simply with:

  6. Create an Eclipse Launcher for Easy-Starting:

    KDE4 Menu How Launcher
  7. Eclipse C++ Getting-Started SetUp & Hello-World:

    Eclipse-C++ Hello World!